8/12 - Weekly News
Welcome Emmanuel Students, Parents and community! I am a representative from the Media Crew and I will be telling you about this week at Emmanuel!
It was a huge week this week, with tons of things going on! First thing on monday the action started with the Primary visited the Royal Botanical Gardens to see a produciton of Pinnochio, we trust that they enjoyed the performance. Skipping through the week a little bit, jumping to Thursday. We had our Year 10’s last day! Everyone was very emotional, as we celebrated their time here at Emmanuel with a Year 10 leavers assembly, and “The Forming Of The Arch“. You can read more about this below.
On the release of the website corresponding to this reports release, the Year 10s are having their leavers dinner (or formal) at the Royal Hobart Golf Club! We are so glad to have the year 10s at this school, and we are so sad, but happy for them that they’re leaving to bigger and brighter oppertunities! Their official graduation ceremony is next thursday doubled with the Years 7-10 awards evening.
year 10 leavers
We are all very sad for your departure, but happy for your future! We know all of you will achieve great things, and we are so glad to have been a small part of the story of your life. Good luck for your future endeavours, and we will miss you!
We pray that our students rest well and have a safe fun weekend! We will see you all on monday! :D
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“Did you hear about the guy who invented the knock-knock joke?
He won the ‘no-bell’ prize.”
Submit a funny (and appropriate) joke for us to feature on the news!