Discover Emmanuel Secondary
On Wednesday the 31st of May, the Discover Emmanuel Secondary Event was held. The Discover Emmanuel Secondary Event was used as a night to present Emmanuel Secondary Education (aka. Year 7) to the future Year 5/6 Students. Some from Emmanuel Primary, and some from outer schools. The night consisted with bueatiful lights, fireplaces, hot-chocolates, burgers and donuts! Lets get into it!
The event started with Students, Parents & Staff arriving at 6:30pm. They were all met to a Tow-Bar serving Coffee and Hot-Choclates for free! There was also a fast-food van serving chips, burgers etc... There were fireplaces with the Emmanuel symbolism on them alight looking bueatiful! The Performing Arts Center was lit up with the bueatiful Emmanuel Red & Blue colours, as well as the trees on the turn entrance.
Once they walked into the Performing Arts Center foyer, there was a table with a sorta gift bag with documents to read in there. With the bueatiful bannering in the background. It was bueatiful seeing so many people around the fireplace in Emmanuel.
After everyone had a bite to eat and drink, we all pilled into the PAC for the Main Assembly. At the start we had some speeches from the Emmanuel Leadership Team, talking about Emmanuel Secondary. Then we had our School Captains, Joel & Kaitlin interview 3 of the Year 7s, Jessica, Owen & Ezrah.
Then there were some break-off sections in the classrooms in the Secondary School, including Digital-Technologies, Science, Food-Technologies, Learning Support and Introduction to Homeroom. The teachers/specialists in these specific areas told the Parents/Students about the specific subjects, and introduced them to the ideas of the classes.
Then everyone came back to the Performing Arts Center as we heard from Dr.K about what makes a great school Great. He mentioned that a great school presents their school as it really is. A Great school dosent confuse Parents with confusing Gibber-Jabber. A great school cares.
Thank you so much to all of the Emmanuel Leadership Team and Staff for putting together such a bueatiful night!
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