Last week in STEM we learned that they were making bridges out of spaghetti. Students had to work together to create a structure which would not fall down. Students were only allowed to use spaghetti and sticky tape. This activity showed the students cooperative skills and their skills to get along with their team. It was a test of their teamwork and their tactics. Students were using strategy and were testing their skills and tactics in this task. It was hard because the spaghetti sticks were easily snappable.
In the STEM inquiry, they were split up into two groups. The second group was building bridges with plastic play building toys.
They have also been working with slime. In the slime project they made fluffy slime and normal slime. For the normal slime they used green for the colour, and for the fluffy slime they did blue with sparkles. For the slime they used dish soap. From what I’ve heard the fluffy slime turned out better than the normal slime. Also from what I heard was that when they played with it, it makes your hands go blue and green.