On the 23rd of October, 2023, 9:15 AM, the Grade 5s and 6s of Emmanuel Christian School left campus via bus (thank you Stacey for driving us!) to go to Spring Beach Youth Camp in Orford, Tasmania. We knew it would be fun, but we didn’t know how fun exactly it would be. (Which it turned out to be a lot of fun!)
We arrived at the camp after about an hour’s worth of driving. The camp owners told us the rules of the camp, and Mr Pascal allocated us to our rooms. We had an hour and 15 minutes to settle in. We all brought our stuff up to our rooms, chose our beds, and got familiar with the place. Then we had lunch. After lunch we had our first activity rotation, with Group 1 on Team Challenges, Group 2 on Archery, and Group 3 on Volleyball. Then we switched to our next activity. After we completed all the activities, we came in for afternoon tea. Then we had an hour of free time, which meant we could hang out in the room with couches, we could play table tennis or 8-ball, play basketball, or just hang out in our cabins. At six o’clock, we had a devotion, said our prayers, and had dinner. Then at 7:30, we got ready to have a bonfire and got to toast marshmallows too! Then at 8:30, we had bedtime preperations, doing things like showering, brushing our teeth, and getting our PJ’s on. Then at 9:30, it was time for bed.
7:30 was wake-up time. We came down for breakfast, then at 8:30 we had a morning devotion and tidied up from breakfast. At 9:30, we had our first activity for the day. Group 1 was on rock-climbing, Group 2 was on low ropes, and Group 3 was at the commando course. The first activity continued on until 11, and then it was recess. After recess, the next group rotation commenced. They continued until 1:00, and then it was lunch. At 2, the third activity rotation started, and continued until 3:30, and everyone came back up for afternoon tea. Mrs North (the chaplain) paid us a visit, and so did Dr. K later in the day. At 4, we had an hour of free time. Then after that, we had a choice of doing games, craft (with Mrs North) or a beach walk. Then came devotion, prayer and dinner. Most people used their free time practicing for the talent show, which was fun. At the end, Mr Prentice and Mrs Harrison (who were the judges of the talent show) said they would announce the winner the next day. Then we only had half an hour to prepare for bed.
Everyone woke up for breakfast. Then, we had our morning devotion, tidied up from breakfast, Mr Prentice announced the winner of the talent show (which was Jesse) and packed up our stuff. We had two last competition sessions, (commando course, volleyball, and archery contests) and then at 11:00, we had recess. At 11:30, we continued with the competitions, and at 12:30, we had lunch. We gathered our stuff at 12:30, and brought it downstairs. We cleaned our cabins out, and at 1, Stacey arrived, we put our stuff under the bus (in the compartment), and left Spring Beach Youth Camp after two and a half days of complete fun. It was a fun experience we would all remember.