Exodus 20:12 states that you must “Honour your mother and your father.” and 1 Thessalonians 2:11-12 states that “Fathers encourage and comfort their children.” These are examples of how Fathers can be the most important role models in a child's life, and we must never take that for granted.
“Fathers encourage and comfort their children”
So on the 28th of August, at Emmanuel Christian School, there was a father’s day breakfast. Located in front of the Performing Arts Centre, the parent committee were there to help out with the breakfast they were serving eggs and bacon roll, alongside Mrs Eduljee, Mr Madden and Dr K were helping out with the BBQ , and for drinks coffee. Most student fathers arrived at around 8:15 am in the morning. They were served 1 bacon and egg roll each for each father. For the younger people they had a breakfast club, there were milos and toast for the young people.
After breakfast had commenced our amazing Parent Committee set up our fathers day stall, thank you so much to our Parent Committee and sponsors for all Emmanuel Events! You guys are the best!!! The Parent Committee and sponsors setup in the Performing Arts Center foyer, with tables that had tons of products on them, like Chocolate goody-bags, Dad Socks, Christmas Ornaments, BBQ cooking ingredients and much more!
We had classes visit the stall in groups throughout the day to acquire some products for their fathers! This fathers day we raised ____ amount of money, to be used on _____! The products were $2.00 and $4.00, to avoid confusion.
The fathers of Emmanuel were very pleased with the out-come with the event! With fathers day coming up on the 1st of September 2023, I bet our fathers will be very happy with their gifts :) Once again we thank Fathers for all they assist in our children's life, you will be forever treasured! 💝